Stephen Colbert and Rep. Barbara Lee show why most TV interviews don’t involve doing the wave
"God, that's a question I can't even answer because it's so stupid."
"You are crazy."
"You are out of your head. Yup. Yeaaah. I'm positive."
California's 13th was the latest focus of the Colbert Report's "Better Know a District" on Wednesday night, and Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee went on the show to discuss Oakland and the most notable moment in her political career — being the lone dissenting vote against the Authorization for Use of Military Force after 9/11. The above quotes were about all she was able to say to Colbert after the interview, which began to frustrate her very soon after it began, in the tradition of all "Better Know a District" segments.
They also did the wave — which apparently was born in Oakland — for a very long time.
They ended by shooting silly string — another product made in Oakland —outside her office.