January 08, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Marks 2nd Anniversary of No Child Left Behind by Calling on President Bush to Keep Promise to Fully Fund Act

Oakland, CA Congresswoman Barbara Lee today called on President Bush to keep his promise to America’s children, teachers and parents by fully funding the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which was signed into law two years ago today.

“Today, unfortunately, represents the anniversary of a broken promise,” said Lee. “President Bush made a promise to the American people about the futures of our children, but he has repeatedly undermined that vow.”

Last year alone, the President and the Congress provided $8 billion less than the legislation than he himself signed. Reports about the forthcoming FY 05 budget suggest that he will be similarly remiss this year. The underfunding has resulted in millions of lost dollars for California’s schools. For the current fiscal year, schools in California will get $3.731 billion less than promised by the law, including:

· $ 2627.6 million less for aid to poor school districts through the Title I program;

· $ 76.7 million less for “Impact Aid” to school districts with high percentages of military families;

· $ 43.3 million less for training and hiring teachers;

· $ 47.8 million less for educational technology;

· $ 24.7 million less for innovative programs to improve student achievement;

· $ 28.5 million less for Safe and Drug Free Schools;

· $ 876.6 million less for bilingual education.

The President’s reluctance to fulfill his programs has cost the 9th Congressional District more than $54,000 in Title I funding alone.