December 01, 2003

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Salutes World AIDS Day 2003

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) today served as the keynote speaker for a Bay-Area World AIDS Day demonstration at the Oakland Federal Building. Lee, who has spearheaded congressional efforts for more global and domestic AIDS funding, spoke at the noon rally that also featured Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley, Berkeley Vice Mayor Maudelle Shirek, Zimbabwean Phillip Machingura of HealthGAP, and Gerald Lenoir of Priority Africa Network.

A United Nations study released last week estimates that 40 million people worldwide are infected with AIDS. Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the hardest-hit region, as it is home to over 70% of those living and dying with HIV.

“This is a global tragedy of unthinkable proportions,” said Lee. “We have a responsibility to the human family to invest our resource into fighting the scourge of AIDS.”

Lee criticized President Bush’s refusal to fully fund the Global AIDS Act, which he signed in May. Lee was a lead sponsor of the legislation. “President Bush made many promises when he went to Africa for his photo ops last July, yet he has consistently attempted to undercut and under-fund our global AIDS initiative every step of the way. Each and every day, I am fighting along with many of my colleagues to make sure he is not successful and to expose this hypocrisy.”

Lee also told the rally that despite some progress, more efforts need to be made on the domestic front. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 6,383 cases of HIV have been reported in Alameda County. While only 183 AIDS cases were reported at the end of last year, the total proportion of female cases has increased dramatically – from 4% in the early 1980s to nearly 25%. Increasing numbers of these cases are occurring among African-Americans and Hispanics, who have been traditionally underserved by the existing health-care system.

“Today on World AIDS Day, let us remind the world that this is a global pandemic. Combined with the thousands of demonstrations that are taking place across the world, we are sending a very powerful message.”
