April 09, 2011

Representative Barbara Lee Statement on Short-Term FY 2011 Continuing Resolution

Washington, DC - Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement this morning following a House vote on a short-term continuing resolution.  Representative Lee voted against this measure:

"I am relieved that a government shutdown was averted tonight, but I am disappointed with the continued Republican efforts to strip funding for critical programs and services that millions of people depend on.  Republicans want to finance their unpaid-for tax breaks for the wealthy on the backs of our most vulnerable populations and underserved communities.  I cannot support this continuing resolution that will negatively impact millions of our most vulnerable populations: low- and middle-income people, the needy and the poor.

"It is also extremely disappointing that Republicans took our government to the brink of a costly shutdown all for the sake of preventing women from accessing critical health services like breast exams, prenatal care and birth control.  Republicans should stop trying to block women from getting the health care that they need and work with Democrats to craft a common-sense bill to fund our government. 

"As an appropriator, I will work to restore these egregious Republican cuts so that we have a budget that creates jobs, fosters new economic opportunities and provides pathways out of poverty."
