December 15, 2003

Statement of Congresswoman Barbara Lee on the Capture of Saddam Hussein

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) issued the following statement on the capture of Saddam Hussein:

“I am pleased with the capture of Saddam Hussein. Our military should be given due credit for their skill in tracking him down and bringing him in alive. Saddam Hussein has been a cruel dictator, and must be held accountable and face the justice of the Iraqi people. More immediately, I’m hopeful that the capture of Hussein will lessen the violence in Iraq and decrease the attacks that have taken the lives of so many aid workers, soldiers, and innocent Iraqi citizens.

The capture of Hussein, however, is a separate matter from the initial rationale that led to the war. The Administration chose to go it alone, pre-emptively striking Iraq even though there was no justification for the attack. And the alienation of the international community continues. Recently, the Administration’s mistakes have been compounded by denying bids to companies from countries who challenged the Administration’s Iraq policy.

The Bush Administration now has an opportunity to redefine the occupation and be involved in the final disposition of Saddam Hussein and the creation of a new Iraq. We must bring the international community into Iraq, restore sovereignty to the Iraqis, and return our troops home at the earliest possible moment.”
