Committees & Caucuses

House Committee on Appropriations

Congresswoman Lee is a senior member of the powerful Appropriations Committee, which controls the federal purse strings.

Ranking Member, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

As Ranking Member of this subcommittee, Rep. Lee continues her long-time advocacy for international peace and diplomacy, human rights, HIV/AIDS treatment, global health and the United Nations.

Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies

On this subcommittee, Rep. Lee serves as a principal advocate for healthy and safe communities, anti-poverty initiatives, educational opportunities and workers' rights.

Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

On this subcommittee, Rep. Lee serves as a champion for everyday families by advocating for critical domestic anti-poverty and food assistance programs.

House Committee on The Budget

Congresswoman Lee represents the Appropriations Committee on the House Budget Committee, where she advocates for community investments, defends our nation's safety net, and fights for leaner, smarter defense spending.

Leadership Positions
Member of House Democratic Leadership Team, Co-Chair Democratic Steering and Policy Committee

As Co-Chair of the Steering and Policy Committee, Rep. Lee works to ensure that committees reflect the diversity, dynamism, and integrity of the Democratic Caucus. She also works to advance the policies that comprise the Democratic "For the People" agenda.

Co-Chair The Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus

Congresswoman Lee Co-Chairs The Pro-Choice Caucus, which is a coalition of members of the U.S. House of Representatives who are working to preserve, protect and advance policies that ensure reproductive autonomy for all people.

Co-ChairCongressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Health Care Task Force

As co-chair of the CAPAC Health Care Task Force, Rep. Lee works to address racial health disparities and expand healthcare access to underserved and vulnerable communities.

Vice-Chair & Founding MemberLGBTQ+ Equality Caucus

A longtime advocate for LGBTQ+ equality, Rep. Lee helped found the caucus and works to advance the rights of LGBTQ+ persons in the US and abroad.

Former Chair Congressional Black Caucus

Congresswoman Lee served as CBC Chair from 2008-2010 and currently acts as chair of the Economy & Poverty Working Group, and co-chair of the Tech 2020 Diversity Task Force.

Chair Emeritus and Former Co-Chair Congressional Progressive Caucus

A former Co-Chair & Whip of the Progressive Caucus, Rep. Lee is a leading voice for low-income families and a forward-thinking foreign policy emphasizing peace and diplomacy.

ChairTask Force on Poverty and Opportunity

Rep. Lee and Former Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer co-founded this taskforce focused on finding and promoting solutions that lift American families out of poverty.

Co-Founder & Co-Chair Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus

As the co-founder and co-chair of this bipartisan caucus, Rep. Lee builds support for domestic and international HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs.

U.S. RepresentativeUnited Nations, 68th, 70th & 72nd General Assemblies

In 2014, 2016 and 2018, Rep. Lee served as the Democratic Congressional Representative to the United Nations, where she worked to advance human rights, women's rights, diplomacy and peace around the world.