October 18, 2012

Congresswoman Lee Energizes and Inspires Participants in Gateways Convening

More than one hundred attendees at the Gateways East Bay STEM Network's recent Community Stakeholder Convening had the opportunity to hear from Congresswoman Barbara Lee about the importance of the network's efforts to improve STEM educational outcomes for the young people in our community to prepare them for participation in the local STEM economy. Lee challenged the network to not only increase the number of students prepared to enter STEM related jobs, but to also address needs for diversity in the workplace. Congresswoman Lee's full remarks at the Gateways convening can be accessed at https://vimeo.com/51404600. Other elected officials represented at the convening who are supporting the STEM efforts included Alameda County Superintendent of Schools, Sheila Jordan, and Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools, Joseph A. Ovick, and field representatives from the offices of Assemblymembers Joan Buchanan and Nancy Skinner.

STEM Remarks from Barbara Lee from Berkeley Public Schools on Vimeo.

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