April 01, 2004

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Announces Local Transportation Projects

Washington, DC – Today, following passage of the $275 billion Transportation Equity Act by the House of Representatives by a vote of 357-65, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) announced funding for several 9th Congressional District projects earmarked in the Transportation bill.

“This bill provides much-needed money for East Bay transportation projects,” said Lee. “It also serves as an economic stimulus because money pumped into the 9th Congressional District will mean more jobs for our residents.”

Even though today’s March unemployment report showed an increase in jobs, President Bush’s economic policies over the last three years have produced a net loss of 2.2 million jobs. At present, more than 9 million Americans are looking for work, with minorities being especially hardhit. In fact, the unemployment rate for African Americans actually increased during the last month from 9.8% to 10.2%

“With 2.2 million people out of work across the nation, I am disappointed that President Bush refused to support a $375 billion bill as the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee unanimously recommended. Apart from helping to build and maintain our nation’s aging infrastructure, this money could have created another 4.75 million new jobs over the next six years. Clearly, this President has misplaced priorities.”

Below is the list of 9th Congressional District earmarks in the Transportation Equity Act:

Group Making Request

Program Description


Ed Roberts Campus

Intermodal transit center above Ashby BART station providing multiple services for disabled people.

$3 million

City of Oakland