November 09, 2011

Barbara Lee Honors Troops, Veterans on Veterans Day

Contact Kristal DeKleer (202) 225-1882

Oakland – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-09) offered the following statement in support of America’s troops and veterans in honor of the 92nd Veterans Day:

"In light of President Obama's recent decision to follow through on his commitment to execute a complete withdrawal of troops in Iraq, it is essential that we continue to work to provide quality housing, health care, and education for our veterans as they return home. Let us further dedicate ourselves to providing all of our veterans, military troops, and their families around the world who continue to proudly serve our country the necessary support and resources that they have earned and deserve. 

“As the daughter of a veteran, I believe we have a moral responsibility to keep our promise to the people who have served our nation.  Veterans, service members, and their families deserve our full support and I will continue to fight to keep the promises made to our veterans who have served selflessly and answered our nation’s call to duty in times of peace and war.”

Congresswoman Lee has joined many of her colleagues in supporting the American Jobs Act. This legislation takes another step in keeping our promises to our troops and veterans with the inclusion of the Returning Heroes Tax Credit which gives employers tax credits for hiring unemployed veterans.  Additionally, Congresswoman Lee supports H.R. 287, the Homes for Heroes Act of 2011, which would expand the supply of supportive housing for very low-income veteran families and provide 20,000 additional rental vouchers for homeless veterans.


Follow Barbara Lee on Twitter @RepBarbaraLee