May 09, 2007

As House Prepares for Historic Vote, Barbara Lee Speaks Out in Favor of Withdrawal

(Washington, DC) – As the House prepares to take its first up-or-down vote on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq later today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke on the House floor this morning in strong favor of the measure, which mirrors a proposal for “fully funded withdrawal” she and other progressive members have been pushing for for months. The following are her remarks as delivered:

“More than four years ago, the House of Representatives authorized a war in Iraq based on misrepresentations that were false.

“Two billion dollars a week and climbing!

“Today we have an opportunity to support our troops and bring them home, when the house will vote to fully fund the safe and timely withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

“Last November, the American people gave Congress an overwhelming mandate to end the occupation of Iraq.

“On this day, Mister Speaker, we can decide if we stand with the President to continue to support a failed policy with no end, or stand with the American people and our generals who understand that there is no military solution to the civil war and occupation in Iraq.

“HR 2237 reflects the goal of the ‘Lee Amendment,’ to fully fund the safe and timely withdrawal of our troops from Iraq. It is responsible, it is practical, it does not cut the funding, but it designates what the supplemental can be used for and that is to fully fund a safe withdrawal and redeployment and help the Iraqis stabilize their country with a diplomatic, social and reconstruction effort.

“This occupation cannot be won militarily. I urge my colleagues to support the goals of HR 2237 to vote for it because those of us who worked so hard on the Lee amendment, prior to today, support this and want to see a strong vote for it.”
