March 17, 2006

Barbara Holds Town Hall on 3rd Anniversary of Iraq War

(Oakland, CA) - On the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, Congresswoman Lee (D-Oakland) spoke out against the war at a town hall meeting she hosted in Oakland today.

“Three years into this unnecessary war, after an incredible human and financial cost, our country and the world are less safe,” said Lee. “It is time to recognize that success means ending this war, bringing our troops home and making sure there are no permanent military bases in Iraq.”

The event, which took place at the Grand Lake Theater, was designed as a as a forum for panelists and constituents to discuss ending the war, bringing U.S. troops home and ensuring there are no permanent U.S. military bases. Lee was joined by panelists Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma); Medea Benjamin, Founding Director of Global Exchange; Andy Shalal, Iraqi American activist and businessman; and Sophie Simon-Ortiz , producer/reporter at Youth Radio. The panel was moderated by Sandy Close, founder of New American Media.

Lee pointed to the growing opposition to the war in the U.S. and reiterated her opposition to the administration’s “doctrine of preemption” and pointed out the growing cost of the war. She also highlighted her success Thursday in attaching an amendment to the $92 billion Iraq supplemental which would prevent maintaining permanent military bases in Iraq, and urged constituents to keep the pressure on Congress and the administration.

“This administration has worked hard to makes these dangerous times, and that’s why we must be vigilant and we must be vocal. But I don’t need to tell you that! I’m privileged to represent one of the most politically informed and politically active districts in the nation,” Lee said. “I take strength from your activism all the way to the halls of Congress.”
