September 13, 2010

Barbara Lee Announces Activities for the 40th Annual Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Weekend

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams

Washington, D.C. – This weekend Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) will be participating in a variety of events during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 40th Annual Legislative Conference which will take place September 15-18, 2010. Congresswoman Lee currently serves as the Chairwoman of the 42 member Caucus. The conference theme for this year is Celebrating the Vision, Continuing the Journey, Advancing the Mission. For additional information on this year’s Annual Legislative Conference please visit  Please note: to attend events held in the Washington Convention Center, you must be a registered participant of the conference.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s activities during this year’s conference will be as follows:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 

Opening Session: Welcome to Capitol Hill
Congressional Auditorium, Congressional Visitors Center

Panel Presentations: Racial Disparities, Political Environment & Policy Prescriptions
10:30am – 12:00pm
Congressional Auditorium, Congressional Visitors Center

Concurrent Session 1: CBCF AVOICE Project: Voting Rights Act Student Workshop
Congressional Meeting Room North, Capitol Visitors Center

Concurrent Session 2: U.S. Helsinki Commission Roundtable Discussion & Briefing
1539 Longworth House Office Building

Concurrent Session 3: Exploring Minority Business Opportunities with the Federal Government
Room SVC 202/203, Capitol Visitors Center

Concurrent Session 4: The Black Greek Factor: Making a Difference in Our Communities
Room 345 Cannon House Office Building
CBCF ALUMNI SERIES: The ABCs of Healthy Student Learning: Addressing Disparities in Academic Achievement and Health
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Washington Convention Center

Thursday, September 16, 2010

CBC Spouses Community Breakfast – So Others Might Eat (SOME)
71 "O" Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

ALC National Town Hall Meeting
9:00am – 11:00am
Washington Convention Center, Hall A
CBC Black Elected Officials Roundtable
Washington Convention Center, 146 -B
Please Note: Participation in this session will be limited to elected officials only. RSVP is required to attend; accepted RSVP’s will receive confirmation and instructions for entry. Please RSVP interest to

CBCF Education Braintrust
1:00pm – 5:00pm
Washington Convention Center, 207-A

Beyond a National AIDS strategy: Next Steps in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS in Black America
2:00 – 4:50pm
Washington Convention Center, 145-A
CBC Green Roundtable
Washington Convention Center, 144 -B

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pipeline to Prosperity: Creating Sustainable Partnership for Minority Business
10:30am – 12:00pm
Washington Convention Center, 147 -B

Saturday, September 18, 2010

African Globalism Issue Forum
10:30am – 12:00pm
Washington Convention Center, 140-A

CBC Faith Leaders Roundtable
Washington Convention Center, 206
Please Note: Participation in this session will be limited to members of the faith community only. RSVP is required to attend; accepted RSVP’s will receive confirmation and instructions for entry. Please RSVP interest to
