November 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Announces Federal Funds for Cultural Arts Center in Fruitvale

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) announced that an Appropriations bill approved by the House today includes funds to add a cultural arts center to the Fruitvale Transit village.

“Adding a cultural arts center to the Fruitvale Transit Village is another important step in improving the quality of life in the Fruitvale,” said Lee. “Bringing arts and culture and a place where young people and families can enjoy them is part of the idea of the Transit Village, which is making a more livable neighborhood, where people can comfortably live and work and play.”

The conference report for the fiscal year 2006 Treasury, Transportation, HUD, Judiciary, District of Colombia Appropriations Act, approved by the House today included $150,000 to renovate the Fruitvale Masonic Temple, turning the 1909 building into a venue where families and youth can enjoy cultural arts, including dance, music, theater, art and technology.

In total, Lee has worked to bring more than $2.5 million in federal funds for the Fruitvale Transit Village, a project that has contributed significantly to the economic revitalization of the region by combining new projects for housing, business, public transportation and recreation.

The funds for the cultural arts center are part of more than $50 million in funding for East Bay projects that Lee has worked to ensure were included in bills the House approved in the last week, money that has gone to education and transportation initiatives, improving public safety, reducing crime and increasing the capacity of the Port of Oakland.
