November 18, 2005

Barbara Lee Announces More Federal Funds For The Ed Roberts Campus

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) announced that an Appropriations bill approved by the House today includes funds for the Ed Roberts Campus, an intermodal transit and disability rights center in Berkeley.

“These funds are critical in making public transportation accessible to people with disabilities and enhancing the quality of life for thousands of people in the Bay Area,” said Lee. “I am proud to help move forward a facility that will be a national transportation model for disabled access and disability rights.”

The conference report for the fiscal year 2006 Treasury, Transportation, HUD, Judiciary, District of Colombia Appropriations Act approved by the House today included $300,000 for the construction of the Ed Roberts Campus, an intermodal transit center at the Ashby BART station in Berkeley to assist people living with disabilities in effectively accessing public transportation. The ERC will provide a convenient hub that links rail and bus transportation in a single location and house a coalition of disability rights organizations.

This funding is in addition to more than $2.5 million for the Ed Roberts Campus that was included in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), a transportation bill approved by Congress earlier this year. In total, Lee has brought in almost $5 million in federal funds for the project since 2001.

The funds for the Ed Roberts Campus are part of more than $50 million in funding for East Bay projects that Lee has worked to ensure were included in bills the House approved in the last week, money that has gone to education and transportation initiatives, improving public safety, reducing crime and increasing the capacity of the Port of Oakland.
