March 04, 2009

Barbara Lee Applauds Issuance of Arrest Warrant for Sudan President Omar al-Bashir by International Criminal Court

For Immediate Release
March 4, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, DC –Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement in response to the issuance an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir by the International Criminal Court.

"The decision by the court's judges will add international legal weight to a long obvious truth – primary responsibility for the atrocities in Darfur rests with the regime that President Omar Hassan al-Bashir heads. 

“The international community, led by the United States and other members of the United Nations Security Council, must make absolutely clear that the Government of Sudan will be held responsible for any retaliatory action against civilians, humanitarian aid workers, or United Nations and Africa Union peacekeeping forces. 

“Additionally, the Security Council must resolve that it will not allow Khartoum to hold hostage the CPA, Sudanese civilians or the international operation to alleviate suffering caused by the Sudanese government.  The various Darfur rebel movements must also understand that any attempt to use the ICC decision as an excuse for offensive military action is unacceptable and will only result in greater suffering for the Darfuri people. 

“Moving forward we must pursue a comprehensive, negotiated peace in Sudan that builds on the framework of the CPA and takes into account the needs and rights of all citizens.  Ultimately, the problem of Darfur cannot be resolved unless the problem of Sudan is resolved.

“For its part, the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) must take this opportunity to abandon its disastrous policies in Darfur and elsewhere and rehabilitate its relationships with the international community. For that to happen, it must end its attacks against civilians and its support for the janjaweed militias; cooperate fully with the UN-AU peacekeeping force (UNAMID); end impunity in Darfur; allow refugees and internally displaced persons to safely and voluntarily return home; negotiate in good faith with the rebel movements and Darfuri civil society to ensure equitable political rights and economic development and; fully implement the CPA. 

“The people of Darfur are counting on us for help. My colleagues and I stand ready to work with the Obama Administration to address this issue and bring about swift resolution.”

Lee has led efforts in Congress to end the genocide in Darfur, including authoring legislation signed into law to allow states to divest from companies doing business with the government of Sudan, and two separate resolutions calling for action on the part of the League of Arab States and the government of China to use their leverage with Sudan to end the genocide which both passed in the House. In December 2008, she joined Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and a number of her House colleagues in sending a letter to then President-elect Barack Obama on recommendations regarding the genocide the genocide in Darfur.

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