March 05, 2008

Barbara Lee Applauds Passage of Comprehensive Mental Health Equity Bill

Press Release

For Immediate Release: March 5, 2008

Contact: Cleve Mesidor, (202) 225-2661

(Washington, DC) –Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) released the following statement praising the bipartisan passage of the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act, H.R. 1424:
“As a co-sponsor of the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act (H.R. 1424), I am very proud of the bipartisan passage of this comprehensive legislation to end discrimination against patients seeking treatment for mental illness.

“This bill is long overdue. For years federal employees have had access to parity coverage for mental health care and it’s time every American receives this benefit.

“As a former social worker, I have been committed to, not only the physical well being, but also the mental well being of every human being.

“I commend Congressmen Patrick Kennedy (RI-8) and Jim Ramsatd (MN-3) for their leadership and steadfastness in the passage of this vital legislation and I urge the Senate to act on it quickly.”

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Oakland-D) is co-chair of the Progressive Caucus. She sits on the House Appropriations Committee, where she serves on the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittee, the State Foreign Operations Subcommittee and is Vice-Chair of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee.

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