February 05, 2006

Barbara Lee Blasts Bush Budget

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), citing cuts to vital programs and services, described President Bush’s fiscal year 2007 budget request as favoring special interests and ignoring the needs of American families.

“This budget is further evidence of just how out of touch the Bush administration is with the priorities of the American people,” said Lee. “This budget puts the special interests first, and leaves American families to pay the price.”

Lee, who sits on the Housing Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee, pointed out that the administration’s budget cuts funding for housing programs by $1.15 billion, including a 50% cut in disabled housing, and 25% cuts for both elderly housing and lead paint abatement, which is used primarily to protect children.

Lee also pointed to the fact that while the budget includes a plan for health savings, it cuts $36 billion from Medicare over the next five years and $105 billion over 10 years, actions that will increase in Medicare premiums shift more of the cost of health care onto individual consumers.

“Americans deserve a President and a government that believe in the public trust, and work to fulfill it,” said Lee. “This budget represents another massive betrayal of the public trust.”

The administration’s budget does not cover the cost of military operations in Iraq or Afghanistan or the cost of emergency aid in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The Bush administration said last week that it would submit requests for supplemental spending for $120 billion for the two wars and $18 billion more for the hurricane's aftermath.
