June 11, 2006

Barbara Lee Blasts Republican Insistence on Permanent Iraq Bases GOP Struck House and Senate Approved Provision from Supplemental

(Washington, DC) – During floor debate on the emergency war supplemental spending bill Monday night, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) slammed Republicans for removing in conference committee amendments that were approved by the House and Senate, introduced by Lee and Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) respectively, to prevent the establishment of permanent military bases in Iraq. The following is her statement as delivered:

“I want to thank the gentleman for yielding and for his very strong leadership on so many issues.

“Once again Mr. Speaker, the Republicans have abused their power.

“The House and the Senate voted to not have an open-ended commitment in Iraq by unanimously passing the Lee-Allen amendment to not allow funding to enter into formal military basing rights agreements.

“By eliminating this amendment from the conference report, Congress and the Administration are admitting that they have no intentions of ever bringing our troops home.

“If there are no plans for a permanent military presence in Iraq--as the President and Defense Secretary have repeatedly declared--then why did the Republican leadership strike this provision?

“Once again democracy has been thwarted.

“The majority of Americans and Iraqis do not want permanent military bases in Iraq.

“By the end of this year the war will have cost $350 billion. And it will continue to climb.

“By eliminating this provision, once again we given the Administration a blank check to stay in Iraq permanently.

“Mr. Speaker, our amendment would have sent a strong signal that the United States has no designs on Iraq permanently.

“Removing it behind closed doors says just the opposite.

“Once again, this administration is misleading the American people.

“The abuse of power must stop.

“The House and the Senate both voted for this amendment. How could it be taken out when the majority of Americans do not want to see a permanent presence in Iraq?

“It’s time to get real about this war and it’s time to ask the hard question with regards to what our long term intentions are.

“And I think the American people deserve to know what our long term intentions are.”
