May 24, 2005

Barbara Lee Blasts Senate Deal on Judges

Calls Compromise a “Capitulation to Republican Bullying”

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee blasted the deal brokered by 14 Senate Democrats and Republicans to avoid the “nuclear option.” The deal provides for the confirmation of Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen and William Pryor and stipulates that the filibuster will be used on future judicial nominees only in “extraordinary circumstances.” Congresswoman Lee’s statement follows:

“While I understand and appreciate my Senate colleagues’ desire to preserve Senate tradition and avoid the nuclear option, I join with Senator Feingold, Chairman Watt and many members of the Congressional Black Caucus in saying that the deal that was brokered was a bad one for the Senate and the American people.

“Simply stated, this was a capitulation to Republican bullying and abuse of power, and the outcome is unacceptable.

“There is no question in my mind that the judicial extremism of Janice Rogers Brown, Priscilla Owen and William Pryor constituted ‘extraordinary circumstances.’ Nonetheless, the right to filibuster their nominations has been given away. I know that when it comes time to vote on their confirmation, Americans will be looking to Senators of both parties to reject them based on their extremist views.

“The question I have is: who will define what constitutes “extraordinary circumstances”? I believe this deal weakens the filibuster and the principles of dissent and minority rights that it was designed to safeguard.

“The American people clearly understand that this whole exercise was a Republican abuse of power designed to water down our constitutional system of checks and balances and turn the Senate into a rubber stamp for the President. I believe they will be very disappointed that our basic democratic principles have been so compromised.”
