June 15, 2006

Barbara Lee Blasts “Sham” GOP Iraq Resolution Demands Real Debate on When and If Troops Will Return

(Washington, DC) – As the House began what was supposed to be the first sustained debate on Iraq since the war began more than three years ago, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) condemned the Republican-authored Iraq resolution for focusing on “rhetoric and posturing” rather than substantive policy issues, and challenged Republicans to defend their insistence on keeping the door open for a permanent U.S. presence in Iraq. The following is her floor statement, as delivered:

“It’s been almost four years since Congress authorized this unnecessary war and we’re really still not having a debate on Iraq policy. So quite frankly this debate really is a sham.

“It attempts to, you’ve heard this before and you’ll hear it again, it attempts to link the war on terror with the bloodshed and violence and killing in Iraq. How deceptive can you be?

“As a founding member of the Out of Iraq Caucus, I believe that we should be debating and passing the Murtha resolution today. The Murtha resolution would redeploy our troops from Iraq at the earliest practical date and pursue security and stability in Iraq through diplomacy.

“Instead, the Republicans continue to play political games at the expense of our brave troops.

“This resolution is a disingenuous attempt by the Republicans to really rewrite history by claiming that Iraq is linked to the terrible tragedy of 9/11. This is deplorable.

“We all know that Iraq had nothing to do with the tragic attacks of 9/11. Yet the President misled the American people into a war of choice, with no end in sight.

“We could have avoided this.

“You remember, Congressman Spratt and myself, we introduced substitutes to the use of force back in 2002 which would have allowed the United Nations inspectors to ensure that Iraq was not developing weapons of mass destruction.

“And what is the cost of finding out there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction?

“Today, we reached the sad milestone of 2,500 American brave troops who have given their lives and by the end of the year will have committed close to $400 billion.

“Are we any safer as a result of this purposeless war in Iraq? Not according to the 9/11 Commission who’s report card gave the administration a failing grade in virtually every category relating to terrorism preparedness.

“The Republicans try to claim that Iraq is the central front on the global war on terror. But the fact is, it has undermined our ability to protect our nation.

“National security professionals recognize this, Mr. Speaker.

“And let’s be clear: we’re spending billions to occupy a county that did not have weapons of mass destruction or terrorist ties and at the same time we’re cutting programs to secure our ports and keep nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists. There’s something really wrong.

“Worse still, this President and the Republican majority refuse to level with the American people about when our troops are coming home, also really if they’re coming home.

“And while we’re debating this very bogus resolution, the most substantive decision on Iraq policy in recent days was taken out by the Republican majority behind closed doors.

“They stripped from the war supplemental an amendment that we offered to prevent the establishment of permanent military bases in Iraq.

“The American people don’t want an open-ended war and occupation.

“Quietly removing a measure that was approved by both the House and the Senate is a gross abuse of the democratic process, and is further evidence that Republicans are afraid to level with the American people about their real plans for Iraq.

“Let me tell you, there will be a day of reckoning. The American people are demanding answers.

“They deserve a truthful accounting of how we got into this unnecessary war, how the billions of dollars have been misspent, and when our troops are coming home.

“And also they really deserve to know IF our troops are coming home, given recent reports that the administration is considering leaving a permanent force of 50,000 troops in Iraq and indications that establishing permanent military bases are not off the table.

“So Mr. Speaker, the American people will not forget that instead of answers to their questions, the Republican majority keeps giving them rhetoric and posturing, like they are doing today. And the American people deserve better.

“This sham resolution, it really should be rejected. We should support the Murtha resolution, that’s what we should talk about today, that would take steps to end this war, it would take steps to bring our young men and women home and I tell you if we don’t debate this, we don’t know when the opportunity to have a real debate will take place.

“It should have been a real debate today, unfortunately this has deteriorated into posturing, into rhetoric and into misrepresenting what the facts are. Thank you and I thank the gentle lady for her leadership and I thank you and I yield back the balance of my time.”
