April 25, 2006

Barbara Lee Calls for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) called on members of the Senate and the House to stop playing politics with immigration and to move forward with comprehensive immigration legislation at a press conference on Capitol Hill today. The following is her statement:

“Today, I join with my colleagues in urging the Members of Senate and the House to reject the cynical, divisive and ultimately unworkable legislation that the Republicans have proposed and to join us in bringing forth a positive, practical and moral policy on immigration.

“The effects of the Republican’s divisive approach to this debate have reared their ugly head in recent days in California, with death threats to Latino politicians, and violent action like those in San Diego, where a Mexican restaurant was burned down and racial epithets were spray painted on the building.

“We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants built this nation, and their contributions are a proud part of our heritage. The people who are marching in cities and towns across this nation are only demanding an immigration policy that lives up to that heritage and the promise of opportunity that our nation has always stood for.

“We support a fair and just comprehensive immigration reform package that embraces family values and upholds the ideals of the words ‘opportunity for all.’

“A comprehensive policy must include:
· a strong and sensible border security plan to ensure the safety of our country
· a process for earned legalization and a clear path to citizenship
· the ability for children to pursue an education
· a easy-to-navigate system for people who want to enter the country legally, especially those with immediate family members here in the country already.

“Democrats have made practical proposals that have the support of a majority of Americans, but the Republican leadership will not give our bills proper and fair consideration. Rather than a comprehensive solution, such as my colleague Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee’s bill, HR 2092, they have opted to play politics with the issue and pursue a cynical, divisive and unworkable legislation that would criminalize millions of hard-working people.

“So we will continue to demand a comprehensive immigration plan, one that is fair, practical and moral, and we will continue to demand an end to the attacks on these hard-working, law-abiding members of our community.”
