April 08, 2008

Barbara Lee Calls Petraeus and Crocker Testimony More of the Same

Press Release

For Immediate Release: April 9, 2008
Contact: Cleve Mesidor, (202) 225-2661

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9), a Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Appropriations Committee’s State Foreign Operations Subcommittee, released the following statement regarding the testimony of General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker before Congress:

“There is no military solution to Iraq, and neither General Petraeus nor Ambassador Crocker offered anything to rebut that reality. What we heard was more of the same about a war without end and the failed policies of the Bush administration in Iraq.

“In its sixth year, this occupation has claimed the lives of over 4,000 brave soldiers, wounded over 28,000 others and has pushed our economy further into recession.

“The American people understand the enormous cost of the occupation and want to bring our troops home. It is past time for the Bush administration to listen and for Congress to act. We must change U.S. policy in Iraq and fully fund the redeployment of our troops and contractors.”

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Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) is Co-founder of the Out of Iraq Caucus, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee s and sits on the Appropriations Committee, where she serves on the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittee, the State Foreign Operations Subcommittee and is Vice-Chair of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee.