April 22, 2008

Barbara Lee Celebrates Earth Day

Press Release 

For Immediate Release: April 22, 2008
Contact:  Cleve Mesidor, (202) 225-2661  
(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) released the following statement to commemorate Earth Day:

“Earth Day is an important opportunity to focus on protecting the environment for the generations to come and achieving energy independence by tackling global warming.

“In Congress, and throughout my Congressional District, I am working to ensure that our environmental policies do not harm the earth or the safety of any of its inhabitants.

“Unfortunately, the Bush administration has systematically weakened or rolled back an array of environmental laws and regulations that were originally enacted to protect public health, air quality, water quality, plant and animal wildlife, the global climate, and the environment. These environmental rollbacks have prioritized the short-term economic needs and interests of polluting industries over the long-term interest of public health, the environment, and our planet. 

“In the effort to restore these crucial environmental protections, this week I will introduce the Environment and Public Health Restoration Act. My bill would direct the National Academy of Sciences to evaluate and make recommendations to address ten of the most egregious changes to Federal rules and regulations under the Bush Administration, which could have potentially harmful impacts on public health, air quality, water quality, plant and animal wildlife, global climate, or the environment.  Based on these recommendations it would then direct Federal departments and agencies to create plans to reverse those impacts that are determined to be harmful by the National Academy of Sciences.

“Earth Day reminds us that as human beings, we share our environment with a wide variety of habitats and ecosystems that nurture and sustain a diversity of species. I urge my colleagues in Congress to support this important bill, which will help to ensure our nation’s environmental policies properly safeguard our precious environment.”

Over the last week, Congresswoman Lee’s District office has and will participate in several Earth Day events in the Bay Area, including the following:

Saturday, April 26, 8:30am -12:00pm PST
Castro Valley Earth Day
Lake Chabot Regional Park- Castro Valley Creek

Friday, April 25, 11:00am-2:00pm PST
Piedmont Earth Day
Piedmont Park

Saturday April 19, 2008
Berkeley Earth Day
Berkeley Civic Center Park

Oakland Earth Day (hosted simultaneously):
Temescal Creek at Claremont DMV
Morcom Rose Garden
Lake Merritt Boating Center
Sausal Creek at Diamond Rec Center
Peralta Hacienda Historical Park
Youth Uprising
Arroyo Viejo Park
Unity Council (Daniela Attending)

Chinatown Earth Day Cleanup
Lincoln Square Recreation Center

Albany Earth Day
California State Parks Foundation Restoration & Clean-up (East shore State Park)

Chabot Space and Science Center Event

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) is Co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and a member of the Appropriations Committee, where she serves on the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittee.

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