April 22, 2007

Barbara Lee Condemns Latest Racist Incident on CBS Radio

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) released the following statement condemning the prank call targeting a Chinese restaurant with racist and sexist commentary which aired multiple times on New York CBS affiliate WFNY and calling for sponsors to withdraw advertising if the perpetrators are not fired:

“Apparently, CBS has learned nothing from the Don Imus affair. It is appalling that after the public outcry over his racist and sexist remarks anyone, let alone a CBS station, would think that it was acceptable to unleash another round of deeply offensive commentary on the public airways. I'm glad that the perpetrators have been suspended, but that does not go far enough. They should be fired, just like Imus, and if CBS refuses to do that, I hope that their sponsors will reconsider their relationship with the network.”
