June 29, 2006

Barbara Lee Condemns Move to Lift Off-Shore Drilling Ban

(Washington, DC)  –  Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke in strong opposition to H.R. 4761, which would rescind the 25 year old bipartisan moratorium on off-shore oil and gas drilling.  The following is her statement:

“Mr. Speaker, talk about beating a dead horse. Instead of getting tough with the administration’s oil and gas cronies, Republicans want to reward them with even more public giveaways.

“First ANWR, now the Outer Continental Shelf.  Republicans would put an oil well on the White House lawn if they could get away with it.

“Instead of trotting out the same tired arguments about how the government is oppressing the oil and gas industry by restricting their right to drill, we need a real energy plan that’s good for the public, good for business, and good for the environment.

“Democrats know we can’t drill our way to energy independence.

“We know that providing energy efficiency incentives will help US business compete long term in the global marketplace.  We know that raising CAFE standards will save more energy over the next twenty years than new drilling will produce. And we know that making a profit is not a license to gouge consumers.

“Democrats have a real plan. Unfortunately Republicans can only promise more of the same.

“I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill.”
