April 29, 2009

Barbara Lee Discusses Afghanistan, Iraq at White House Meeting with President Obama and Progressive Caucus Members

For Immediate Release
April 29, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and her Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) colleagues met with President Obama in a wide ranging discussion at the White House.  The meeting was largely focused on discussions regarding healthcare reform and the upcoming supplemental appropriations request for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

“I was pleased to join with my colleagues of the Progressive Caucus for what was a very open and frank discussion with President Obama.

“During the meeting we conveyed to President Obama our concern that the War supplemental request for Iraq and Afghanistan is unbalanced in its current form. Recognizing our national security interests and also recognizing that we cannot have an open ended military presence in Afghanistan, we believe that funding military operations over diplomatic activities by a ratio of 10 to 1, limits our ability to fund the activities that are most likely to bring about the changes we seek.

“We also reiterated our long held position that there be no permanent bases in Iraq and Afghanistan and that any agreement between the United States and Afghanistan, including a status of forces agreement, be approved in advance by Congress.

“The meeting was very promising and productive. I look forward to working with my Progressive Caucus colleagues and President Obama to bring America’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan to a successful conclusion and bring our brave young men and women in uniform back home to their loved ones.”

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