December 10, 2005

Barbara Lee Holds Town Hall Meetings on Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

(Oakland, CA) - Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) held town hall meetings in Oakland and Castro Valley on Saturday to help East Bay seniors understand and enroll in the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit Program.

“The new Medicare prescription drug benefit and the proliferation of different plans have caused quite a bit of confusion, and my constituents deserve the facts,” said Lee. “These town hall meetings are designed for seniors to meet with experts and get the facts on what plan best serves their needs and how to enroll.”

Experts from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), AARP, Families USA and Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) were on hand to explain the sometimes confusing new federal drug benefit and to provide advice for local seniors on what plan may be best for them and assistance in enrolling in them.

Open enrollment for Medicare Part D began on November 15th and coverage will take effect on January 1, 2006. People who sign up after enrollment closes on May 15th, 2006 may have to pay penalties.
