March 20, 2012

Barbara Lee Introduces Resolution to Honor Social Workers on World Social Work Day

Contact: Kristal DeKleer (202) 225-1882

Washington, D.C.  – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) observed World Social Work Day by introducing a House resolution honoring professional social workers.  H.Res. 589 honors social work and social workers by highlighting the accomplishments and goals of the profession, which include enhancing human well-being and helping meet the basic needs for the most vulnerable in our society.

“As a professional social worker, I am passionate about the contribution that social workers make to society and seek to pay tribute to the more than 640,000 social workers in the nation,” said Congresswoman Lee.  “This resolution allows the House of Representatives to promote this critical profession and bring recognition to the immeasurable impact that social workers have on their communities.”  

If enacted the resolution will not only observe Professional Social Work Month and World Social Work Day, it will also acknowledge the diligent efforts of individuals and groups who promote the importance of social work.  The resolution was drafted to encourage activities that work to promote the profession and raise awareness of the life-changing role that social workers play.  Additionally, the resolution recognizes the contributions of social workers and shows gratitude to the millions of social workers caring for their communities.

“By supporting this resolution, my colleagues have the opportunity to reaffirm to the hardworking members of this profession that the work they do, does indeed matter,” said Congresswoman Lee.  “This year, the theme of Social Work Month is ‘Social Work Matters’ and I am honored to bring recognition to the many social workers who use their collective power, every day, to strengthen our nation's families and communities, to help individuals overcome adversity, and to advance sound social policies.”  


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