February 24, 2009

Barbara Lee Joins Reps. Frank, Woolsey and Grijalva to Discuss Defense Spending Reduction

For Immediate Release
February 24, 2009

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee joined Congressman Barney Frank and Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey and Congressman Raul Grijalva at a forum and press conference to discuss the defense budget and Rep. Frank’s proposal to reduce military spending. She released this statement:

“As we all know, these are difficult economic times. For many years, many of us here have been pushing for an honest and critical look at our defense budget so we can make the adjustments necessary to reflect our true national security interests. The time has come for the entire Congress to do this and Congressman Frank’s proposal provides this opportunity.

“It has been eighteen years since the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Yet, I find it mind-boggling and inexcusable that nearly two decades later, the Pentagon continues to waste tens of billions of dollars buying outdated, Cold War-era weaponry for a national security threat that no longer exists.

“Our spending on security should address the current threats we face.  By getting rid of programs that don't, we can not only make the much needed investment in ensuring health care for all of our children, improving our public schools, ending our dependence upon foreign oil, but also improving our homeland security.

“When you really think about it, domestic security is national security.

“That's why this proposal takes a bold and necessary step forward. By reducing defense spending coupled with ending the war in Iraq, we save up to $175 billion that could be put towards domestic agenda items and to get our economy going again.

“A timely withdrawal from Iraq will create $105 billon in savings in year one alone. And we can slash $60 billion from the Defense budget, as the bill we have long worked on, the Common Sense Budget Act, would do without diminishing our ability to protect our nation. 

“As a recent GAO study that we required evidenced, we can also eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse from the Department of Defense and thereby free up additional funds to dedicate to our much needed economic recovery. 

“To put it plainly, this plan makes a lot of sense and I look forward to working with my colleagues to bring Common Sense and responsibility back to our defense spending budget.”

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