June 29, 2005

Barbara Lee Leads Successful Fight to Protect Fair Housing

House Passes Amendment to Restore HUD Funds

(Washington, DC) – Tonight, the House approved an amendment sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee to restore funding to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order to stop discrimination and enforce fair housing laws.

“Congress must work with HUD to ensure that they have the resources and authority needed to protect minorities and the disabled in public housing and prosecute those who have violated the civil rights of these individuals,” said Lee.

The amendment, which was co-sponsored by Representatives Al Green (D-TX), Alcee Hastings (D-FL), and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), restored $7.7 million to the HUD Office of Fair Housing, which monitors discrimination complaints and enforces fair housing policy. It passed by a vote of 231-191.

According to the National Fair Housing Alliance estimates, in 2004 there were over 1 million instances of discrimination against prospective minority renters and approximately 500,000 instances against potential minority home buyers.
