July 01, 2010

Barbara Lee Offers Amendment to Responsibly End War

For Immediate Release
July 1, 2010

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, D.C. – Tonight, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) will offer an amendment to the FY10 Supplemental Appropriations package to prevent an escalation of US forces and begin to responsibly end the war by limiting funding to the safe and orderly withdrawal of our troops and military contractors from Afghanistan. She released this statement:

“A few months from now, the war in Afghanistan will enter its tenth year. It is already the longest war in our nation’s history, longer than Vietnam and World War II. And there is no end in sight.

“There is no military solution to Afghanistan and in fact, the occupation of Afghanistan is making us less safe and creating greater security threats from terrorism.

“The bottom line is we need to begin to end this war.  

“This amendment would begin to end the war by limiting funds to the safe, timely withdrawal of US troops and military contractors from Afghanistan.  This is the only responsible way to end the war. 

“Our troops have performed with incredible courage and commitment in Afghanistan. As the daughter of a military veteran I understand the stress war can put on a family. They have done everything asked of them. But the truth is that they have been put in an impossible position – a war with no foreseeable end.

“It is for this reason that I opposed the resolution authorizing military force on September 14, 2001.   So we must begin to correct the mistake that was made nearly a decade ago.

“Enough is enough. I’m calling on my colleagues to support me in this effort.”

The amendment will be considered on the House floor this evening.

Note: Rep. Lee will be available to the media this evening. To request an interview, please contact Nicole Y. Williams at Nicole.Williams@mail.house.gov or 202-226-0323.

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