June 17, 2005

Barbara Lee Opposes GOP UN Reform Measure

Calls for Real Reform, Not Attempt to Dismantle UN

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee spoke out against the proposed GOP UN Reform bill and in favor of the democratic substitute offered by Ranking Member of the House International Relations Committee, Tom Lantos. The substitute was defeated 190-216, and the bill was passed 221-184 . Her statement follows:

“I thank the gentleman, my friend and colleague Mr. Lantos. I want to thank you for helping really to make some sense out of this entire UN reform effort with your substitute.

“Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to the deeply flawed Hyde bill and support the Lantos bill.

“I am glad that we are having this debate on the floor today. I think that it is a healthy debate. I don’t think anyone will argue with the fact that the UN is in need of reform. But I question the end goal of this overall process in regard to the Hyde legislation.

“Is the aim of this effort for ‘real reform’ or is it the Republican Leadership’s and I think it’s cynical attempt to maybe begin to send the message to dismantle or even worse, begin to pull back or withdraw from the United Nations?

“I ask this because it seems very much in line with the public statements of the Administration’s nominee for UN ambassador, Undersecretary John Bolton.

“As many have observed, the nomination hearings have shown just how much disdain Undersecretary Bolton has for the United Nations and the UN system.

“What message does it send to our allies when such a nomination is made?

“Mr. Chairman, it is no secret that many of my colleagues on the other side are vocal critics of the United Nations. But the Hyde bill turns criticism into contempt. The Hyde bill ensures that we return to arrears with the UN by requiring withholding of our dues for any one of a number of inflexible reasons. In effect, it is my belief the Hyde bill sets up any UN reform effort to quite frankly fail.

“There simply is no reason to link much needed UN reforms with the withholding of dues in such a drastic fashion.

“We should reform the United Nations but at the same time also work to support the important programs and initiatives of the UN.

“The fact is, Mr. Chairman, contrary to Undersecretary Bolton’s assertions, the UN has made a difference in keeping the peace, diffusing conflicts and easing regional tensions. But there’s more that needs to be done. The Lantos substitute acknowledges this.

“Our efforts should be with working with our friends to promote peace and security throughout the world.

“The fact is, Mr. Chairman, the United Nations is needed now more than ever.

How can our commitment to peace and democracy be taken seriously when the Administration’s nominee has been quoted as saying such things as: ‘The secretariat building in New York has 38 stories. If you lost ten stories today, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.’ Or ‘If I were redoing the Security Council today, I'd have one permanent member because that's the real reflection of the distribution of power in the world.’

“It’s also a dangerous and cynical message to be sending on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations.

“I find it incredible, Mr. Chairman that at a time when we have nuclear weapons and WMDs pointed in all directions, that we would be looking to withdraw from the family of nations. It’s simply a terrible message to be sending to the rest of the world.

“In an interdependent world like ours, international organizations like the United Nations should be recognized as an indispensable partner not only in the Administration’s stated policy of spreading democracy throughout the world, but also helping us in securing our national security goals.

“So please support the Lantos amendment. It does achieve what we need to do with regard to United Nations reform rather than try to blackmail to suit our political interests.”
