April 04, 2008

Barbara Lee Remembers MLK's Fight Against Poverty

Press Release 

For Immediate Release: April 4, 2008 
Contact:  Cleve Mesidor, (202) 225-2661    

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) released the following statement to reflect on Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s fight against poverty on the 40th anniversary of his assassination:

“As the world marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we should reflect on how he lived and the aspects of his legacy still unfulfilled, especially his call to end poverty.

“The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina gave the world a glimpse of the unfinished business of America. Poverty lurks in our middle class, rural and urban neighborhoods, placing the American dream out of reach of many families while the nightmare of economic peril takes hold for many. It is startling that the outdated federal poverty threshold today for a family of four is only $21,000 and that this generation will be the first in American history to be poorer than their parents.

“Just as incomprehensible is the stark reality that 37 million people live in poverty in America, and nearly 60 million more live just above the poverty line - That’s a third of our neighbors living on the razor’s edge, while the Bush administration spends $12 billion a month for a failed foreign policy. Bush’s Iraq Recession has sounded the alarm that it’s time we go beyond talk to decisive action and make eradicating poverty in America a national priority.

“We must shift the conversation from the minimum wage to a living wage, and help those Americans whose dreams of homeownership have turned into a nightmare. As Co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Co-founder of the Out of Poverty Caucus, I will work with my colleagues to introduce a sweeping anti-poverty bill in the coming months. And I am working with Democrats to introduce a second economic stimulus package to increase funding for unemployment insurance, food stamps, housing assistance and Federal Medical Assistance Percentage payments to states.

“It is now past time for our nation to respond to Dr. King’s challenge to the country’s leaders to meet their obligation to the most vulnerable, address the root causes of poverty and fund and implement solutions.”

Congresswoman Barbra Lee (CA-9) is Co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Co-founder of the Out of Poverty Caucus.

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