June 17, 2011

Barbara Lee: Reversal of 2009 Afghanistan Troop Escalation Would Be Inadequate

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661

Lee Calls for More Significant Reduction of At Least 50,000 Troops

 Washington, DCCongresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement today regarding the President’s pending decision on U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan, which is expected soon:
“The President and his national security team are weighing a critical decision regarding the war in Afghanistan.  As the President contemplates this decision, I urge him to hold true to his comments that he will seriously consider a ‘significant’ reduction of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.  
“A troop reduction of 10,000 – 15,000 is anything but significant, as it would not even get us back to pre-escalation levels.  Likewise, a modest reduction of 30,000 troops should not be considered significant since it would merely return us to 2009 and pre-escalation troop levels. A more ‘significant’ and reasonable goal would be the withdrawal of 50,000 combat troops which is only half of the roughly 100,000 troops currently on the ground. Any withdrawal plan should begin immediately and be conducted swiftly, not drag out over years.  
“Almost three out of four Americans want to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, and we can no longer afford to spend over $100 billion a year on this war that has no military solution.  Delaying a significant and sizeable reduction of U.S. forces in Afghanistan would be unacceptable and would not reflect the will of the people.  
“I remain committed to ending this war by beginning the swift, orderly withdrawal of all U.S. combat forces from Afghanistan as soon as possible, and hope the President takes this important opportunity to begin to end our nation’s longest war with a truly significant and sizable reduction of troops in Afghanistan.”
