May 05, 2005

Barbara Lee Says Bush Slash and Burn Forest Policy Hurts America

Slams Administration Changes to the ‘Roadless Rule’

(Washington, DC) – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) slammed Bush administration to National Forest Service rules in order to allow road building in millions of acres of previously protected national forest.

"This new rule is a travesty for our national forests. By opening the door to new road construction, the Forest Service and the Bush Administration are putting the profits of logging and mining companies ahead of the health and stability of our natural environment,” said Lee.

The Forest Service's new State petition process replaces a 2001 rule promulgated under the Clinton Administration that placed a blanket restriction on road construction on 58.5 million acres of roadless areas managed by the National Forest Service. Under the new rule, State governor's can petition the Forest Service for exemptions to the prohibition on new road construction, opening the door for increased logging, mining and other development on public lands. More than 34.3 million acres of woodland could be immediately opened for new road construction, while new management plans for the remaining 24.2 million would first need to be developed before new roads could be built.

“We should be working to protect and preserve our forests and the wildlife that inhabit them for their own sake and for future generations to enjoy,” said Lee. “Instead this administration has decided to parcel our national treasures out to the highest bidder, and that is just wrong."
