May 19, 2005

Barbara Lee Slams Erosion of Environmental Protections

Calls Republican Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill “An Environmental Disaster”

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) accused Republicans of endangering the health of the American public by weakening environmental protections and clean water funding during debate on the Interior-Environment Appropriations bill today. Lee voted against the bill, which passed, 329-89.

“Once more we are forced to vote on an interior appropriations bill that is nothing less than an environmental disaster,” said Lee. “It says a lot about the Bush administration and Republican priorities that they more concerned with tax cuts than making sure people have clean drinking water.”

The bill cut $241 million (22%) from the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRL), a program designed to help fund community efforts to treat waste water and provide clean drinking water. California will lose $17 million. Lee supported an amendment introduced by Representative David Obey (D-WI), to increase funding for the CWSRL by $100 million. The amendment was defeated, 186-235.

The bill also cut $215.5 million (3%) for the Environmental Protection Agency, on top of a $339.5 million cut last year.

“It is clear that the administration and the Republican Congress aim to weaken environmental protections, and gut funding to enforce the few protections that remain,” said Lee. “We should be passing a bill that makes a strong commitment to protect our environment, our children’s health and our future.”

Lee also supported an amendment introduced by Representative Nick Rahall (D-WV) to prevent funds in the bill from being used for the sale or slaughter of wild horses and burros living on federal land. The amendment passed 249-159.
