March 17, 2005

Barbara Lee Slams Republican Budget as “Morally Irresponsible”

Praises Congressional Black Caucus Alternative

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) blasted the Republican budget resolution passed by the House today, calling it “fiscally reckless and morally irresponsible.”

“Where is the morality in cutting funding for housing for people with disabilities and AIDS in order to extend tax cuts to the wealthiest among us?” Lee asked. “There is nothing moral about balancing the budget on the backs of those who can least afford it. A moral budget does not seek to punish the least of these.”

The Republican budget was approved, 218 – 214, with all Democrats and 12 Republicans voting against. The alternative budget offered by the Congressional Black Caucus, was voted down, 134 – 292, garnering the highest number of votes to date.

“The CBC budget priorities affirm that homeland security and economic security are essential components of our national security,” said Lee. “Unfortunately, the Republican budget places a secondary priority on these two very important elements, because it is fiscally reckless and morally irresponsible. A strong America cannot tolerate the huge disparities created by the Republican budget.”

The President’s budget was called “unjust” in a statement issued by The Episcopal Church, USA, The Evangelical Lutheran Church, USA, Presbyterian Church USA, The United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church. Earlier this week, The Interfaith Alliance and National Council of Churches held a rally on Capitol Hill to protest a budget that they said does not reflect their values.
