May 24, 2006

Barbara Lee Speaks Out Against ANWR Drilling

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) gave the following statement against a Republican proposal to open the Artic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling on the House floor today:

“Mr. Speaker opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling is not the answer to high gas prices today or to the long-term energy needs of tomorrow.

“The fact is we are addicted to oil. The proponents of this bill would have you believe that the only way to cure an addict is to feed the addiction at whatever cost—regardless of the effect on the environment, wildlife, or the public health.

“As a former social worker, I can tell you that does not work!

“The best way to fight high gas prices now is to go after the suppliers.

“We should hold oil companies accountable for gouging consumers at the pump and we should institute a windfall profits tax to fund immediate investments in energy efficiency, conservation, and research into clean and sustainable sources of energy.

“We can also wean ourselves away from our addiction by immediately raising CAFÉ standards and increasing the use of renewable fuels to lessen the impact of high gas prices on our constituents.

“Instead of implementing these policies five years ago, this administration deliberately chose to fatten the wallets of its cronies in the oil and gas industry.

“Let’s not make the same mistake again. Kick the habit, vote against this bill.”
