July 17, 2006

Barbara Lee Speaks Out Against Federal Marriage Amendment

(Washington, DC) – As the House debated a constitutional ban on same sex marriages that the Senate had already defeated, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) spoke in forceful opposition to the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment on the House floor today. The following is her statement:

“Of course I stand in strong opposition to H. J. Res 88. This amendment seeks to enshrine and it does enshrine discrimination into our Constitution.

“And as an African-American woman, and as a person of faith, there is no way that I can support discriminating against anybody. The history of our nation has been a long process of bringing people of different backgrounds together. This amendment would take everything that this nation stands for as, a beacon of hope, a land of opportunity, and a tolerant democratic society, and turn it all on its head.

“Government should not be in the business of discriminating against its people, pure and simple. Government should not get into the personal lives of individuals.

“We must reject this hateful and discriminating amendment. It takes an extraordinary step that previous amendments have not taken – it bars states from granting pretty much any legal partnership, such as civil unions or domestic partnerships.

“Congress is supposed to work to promote a better life for all Americans. That means improving our nation’s education system, working to provide healthcare for the 47 million uninsured, ensuring that people have a roof over their head.

“We must see this amendment for what it really is. It is clearly election year pandering. It is an attempt to create a diversion from the real issues that this Congress should be dealing with.”
