January 17, 2007

Barbara Lee Speaks Out for Renewable Energy, Against Giveaways for Big Oil

(Washington, DC) – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) gave the following statement during the House debate on H.R. 6, the CLEAN Energy Act of 2007, to repeal $14 billion in subsidies and tax breaks for Big Oil companies in order to invest in clean renewable and alternative fuels and energy efficiency:

“Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of HR 6, the CLEAN Energy Act, and I want to thank my colleague Mr. Rahall for introducing it.

“As part of the 100 hour Democratic agenda, today we are following through with our promise to hold Big Oil and Gas companies accountable to the American people.

“Six years ago, when temperatures were spiking around the world and the effects of global warming were raising alarm bells about the fate of the polar bear, the Vice President was holding secret meetings with Energy executives and offering cozy deals and incentives to his Big Oil buddies.

“When oil prices spiked after hurricane Katrina, and oil companies began reporting the highest corporate profits in American history, the President and Republicans in Congress were eagerly offering their cronies another generous helping of public giveaways.

“While the American people were emptying their pockets to fill up at the pump, Republicans were lining up to be the first to open our coasts to new drilling.

“Mr. Speaker I’m proud to say that THOSE DAYS ARE OVER!

“By forcing oil and gas companies to pay their fair share for the natural resources that belong to us, we are recovering more than $14 billion of the taxpayer’s money over the next 10 years. That $14 billion represents a real investment in green energy initiatives that will one day allow us to declare energy independence.”

The bill would ensure oil companies that were awarded the 1998 and 1999 leases for drilling paid their fair share in royalties, and would close loopholes, ending giveaways for Big Oil in the tax code and in the 2005 Energy bill. Further, the bill would create a Strategic Renewable Energy Reserve to invest in clean, renewable energy resources and alternative fuels, promote new energy technologies, develop greater efficiency and improve energy conservation.

The measure passed by a vote of 264-163.
