April 29, 2011

Barbara Lee Statement on President Obama's Changes to His National Security Leadership Team

Media Contact: Joel Payne, (202) 225-2661

Washington, DCRepresentative Barbara Lee (D-CA) released the following statement following an announcement from President Obama to nominate current CIA Director Leon Panetta to become the new Secretary of Defense and General David Petraeus replace Mr. Panetta as CIA Director:

“As the President makes these changes to his national security team, I believe this is an opportunity for his Administration to shift focus from waging costly wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya to a sustainable, smart security strategy which includes the swift, safe withdrawal of our forces from these countries.  I am also hopeful that as a part of these changes, the Administration recommits to eliminating wasteful spending from the bloated Pentagon budget.  We need to invest our resources in creating jobs and rebuilding our communities here at home instead of waging wars that are not in our economic or national security interest.” 
