May 13, 2008

Barbara Lee Statement on Urgency of Crisis in Darfur

Press Release

For Immediate Release: May 13, 2008
Contact:  Julie Nickson, (202) 225-2661        

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA-9) issued the following statement today at a press conference aimed at highlighting Muslim voices for Darfur:  

“I’m pleased to join Congressman Ellison, Amnesty International USA, the Save Darfur Coalition, the ENOUGH Project and all our activists today in support of their calls for the immediate deployment of the UN peacekeeping force and for an end to the genocide in Darfur.

“I believe it is critically important that all of us stand together united in our determination to bring the genocide in Darfur to an end. Muslim groups and leaders have been forceful in their demands for action and there denunciation of human rights abuses and they deserve our recognition and support.

“I’ve been to Darfur, Chad, Sudan, and the IDP camps three times now. “I’ve seen and heard, and felt the devastation from survivors of the genocide. The events this weekend are a fresh reminder of the instability in Sudan and the urgency of addressing the crisis in Darfur.

“With tensions between rebel groups in Darfur rising, deteriorating relations between Chad and Sudan, and the continued obstruction of peacekeeping troops by the regime in Khartoum, we need bold action now to change the dynamic on the ground and bring an end to the violence.

“As a member of the Appropriations Committee, and the Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, I have been working with my colleagues to ensure that we provide additional emergency spending for peacekeeping operations in Sudan.

“While additional funding will assist in the deployment of UN forces, we must continue to put pressure on the genocidal regime in Khartoum and its enablers. We must continue to pursue and encourage divestment from companies supporting the government of Sudan.

“Today over 61 universities, 24 states and 19 cities have chosen to divest from companies doing business in Sudan. Last year the President signed into law legislation I co-authored to enable and protect this nationwide divestment movement, while also banning new federal contracts with offending companies.

“The Administration has a moral obligation to enforce this law and guarantee to taxpayers that we aren’t helping to bankroll genocide in Sudan.

“We must continue to urge all parties to lay down their arms and come to the table to negotiate a political solution.  The League of Arab states is a critical partner in this effort and we need their help.

“We must also continue support for the rapid and unconditional deployment of the UN/AU hybrid force. And we must demand free and unfettered access for groups providing humanitarian assistance to internally displaced populations.

“The people of Darfur are counting on us for help. The longer we wait to act, the longer we are stymied in our efforts the worse the situation will get.

“I again want to applaud my colleague Congressman Ellison, and all the leaders from the Muslim community that have stood up in solidarity to demand action.”
