March 21, 2010

Barbara Lee to Support Health Care Reform Legislation

For Immediate Release
March 19, 2010

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661


Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee released this statement on her pending support for the upcoming health care reform legislation set to come before the House on Sunday.

“This is a truly historic time in our country. We have never been this close to assuring quality, affordable health care for the American people. In the past two years, nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health care coverage – adding to the nearly 47 million Americans who don’t have coverage. This is not acceptable.

“There is no doubt this bill has flaws. Many of us would have preferred a single-payer system or at least a public option. However, this bill offers vitally important advances for health care - making coverage more affordable and expanding access to much needed services.

“In my district alone this bill will extend coverage to 52,000 people immediately including young adults who have been kicked off their parents insurance. It will also improve coverage for 367,000 residents in my district.

“If we do nothing, the health care system will continue to work better for insurance companies than it does for the American people. But if we pass health insurance reform, then we know families and businesses will have control of their health care, the insurance industry will be prohibited from continuing its worst practices like denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions, and we will cut the deficit by up to $1 trillion over the next two decades.

“We have waited far too long to take action on this issue. We have a moral obligation to pass this legislation. This is a major first step in setting a strong foundation, where finally health care becomes a basic human right for all rather than a privilege for the few. We will finally catch up with the rest of the industrialized world.

“When I cast my vote I will be thinking of all the people I see in the emergency rooms when I’m with my 85 year old mother or my sister who has Multiple Sclerosis. I will be thinking of all of those who died prematurely because they did not have preventive care. Most importantly, I will be thinking of our children and grandchildren, because when we cast this vote, we're going to ensure that they live longer and healthier lives.

“As the President said this past week ‘If not us, then who, if not now then when?’ Now is the time! I urge my colleagues to join me in casting this monumental vote in favor of health care reform.”
