August 24, 2006

Barbara Lee to Visit Gulf Coast on the Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

Oakland, CA -U.S. House Rep. Barbara Lee announced that she will travel to the Gulf Coast Region to mark the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina (August 27-30, 2006).

“It’s been a year since Katrina and Rita devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. And since the Bush administration has failed to make good on its promises to the region, it’s important that as a federal legislator, I be on the ground and add my voice to many others that are demanding more from this Administration and this Congress,” said Rep. Lee, a member of the Democratic Caucus Katrina Task Force. “I will join our brothers and sisters in prayer and reflection. I have and will continue to work with the citizens of the region to push for a new direction that rejuvenates and restores their lives, homes and livelihoods.”

The California lawmaker will be traveling with a delegation of roughly 20 House Democrats, led by her colleagues from the Gulf Coast and the Democratic Caucus Katrina Task Force.

The purpose of the trip is not only to join Gulf Coast citizens in prayer and reflection, but to do some work to help rebuild the region. The delegation of Democratic Lawmakers will host a town hall meeting in Bay St. Lewis to discuss insurance claims and coverage, a complicated hurdle in the rebuilding process. Lawmakers will also host a policy forum with local elected officials and experts to discuss the challenges the people of the Gulf Coast still face a year after the disaster. The issues to be discussed will include housing, health care, transportation, fisheries, environment and education.

“We never know when disaster will strike our community, whether it is natural or a terrorist attack,” continued Rep. Lee. “We must learn from the experiences of the Gulf Coast region and be prepared to respond effectively and efficiently next time.”

In July Rep. Lee joined the House Democratic Caucus to unanimously approve a resolution to establish Saturday, August 26 and Sunday, August 27, 2006 as a Time for National Prayer and Remembrance for the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Over the last year Congresswoman Lee has led efforts to aid hurricane survivors and advocate for a robust reconstruction effort that prioritizes the needs of Gulf Coast residents. She traveled to the region twice, most recently for Financial Services Committee field hearings on reconstruction and housing for survivors. Her office also helped coordinate assistance for survivors who came to the East Bay. She led the fight in the House to prevent FEMA from evicting survivors, she introduced H.R. 4633, the HIV/AIDS Emergency Hurricane Relief Act to provide assistance to people living with AIDS who were displaced and she worked to develop the housing and poverty sections of the Congressional Black Caucus’ comprehensive reconstruction and recovery bill, H.R. 4197.
