July 27, 2010

Barbara Lee Votes "No" On War Supplemental

For Immediate Release

Contact: Nicole Y. Williams
(202) 225-2661

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) released this statement following her vote in opposition to the Supplemental Appropriations package that would fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. She released this statement:

“Less than a month ago, Congress finally began the debate on the war in Afghanistan that should have been held nine years ago. While evidence continues to mount that our military engagement in Afghanistan has become a quagmire of corruption and ill defined objectives, this supplemental appropriations package will provide another $33 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that have already cost this nation more than $1 trillion.

“Congress cannot continue to write a blank check for the war in Afghanistan that has made our country less safe. Our brave men and women in uniform have been put in an impossible situation in Afghanistan where there is no military solution.

“It is time to provide funding for only the safe and orderly withdrawal. No more funding for combat operations.

“We cannot spend another dollar to escalate America’s longest war. The costs of these wars are too enormous in blood and treasure.

“We must stand in opposition to a policy of war without end and begin to reexamine our priorities.”

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