September 06, 2007

Barbara Lee Votes to Provide Historic Increase in College Financial Aid for Students and Families

Democratic Congress Makes Good on Promise to Make College More Affordable For All Americans

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), who sits on the Appropriations Subcommittee that oversees federal education spending, today joined a majority in the House to vote for final passage of legislation that would make the single largest investment in college financial aid since the 1944 GI Bill, helping millions of students and families pay for college – and doing so at no new cost to U.S. taxpayers. The bill, the College Cost Reduction and Access Act, now goes to the President’s desk for his signature.

“This historic legislation will help make the promise of a college education a reality for millions of American students and families for whom it was previously out of reach,” said Lee. “This vote is emblematic of the Democratic Party’s commitment to increasing access to opportunity and rolling back the Republican policies that have kept opportunities like college education unattainable for too many Americans.”

The College Cost Reduction and Access Act combines key elements from House and Senate bills that were passed in July. The legislation, H.R. 2669, which the House passed by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 292-97, would boost college financial aid by more than $20 billion over the next five years. The bill pays for itself by reducing excessive federal subsidies paid to lenders in the college loan industry by $20.9 billion. It also includes $750 million in federal budget deficit reduction.

Under the legislation, the maximum value of the Pell Grant scholarship would increase by $1,090 over the next five years, reaching $5,400 by 2012. This increase would fully restore the purchasing power of the scholarship, which in recent years had been frozen at $4,050 until Congress boosted its value to $4,310 earlier this year. Close to 6 million low- and moderate-income students would benefit from this increase.

To reduce the cost of loans for millions of student borrowers, the legislation would cut interest rates in half on need-based student loans, from 6.8 percent to 3.4 percent over the next four years. Once fully phased-in, this would save the typical student borrower – with $13,800 in need-based student loan debt – $4,400 over the life of the loan. About 6.8 million students take out need-based loans each year.

In addition, the legislation would prevent student borrowers from facing unmanageable levels of federal student debt by guaranteeing that borrowers will never have to spend more than 15 percent of their yearly discretionary income on loan repayments and by allowing borrowers in economic hardship to have their loans forgiven after 25 years.

California students and families are slated to receive an increase of $3,034,928,000 in loan and Pell Grant aid over the next five years. California has 228,489 students who take out need-based loans each year at 4-year public schools. Those students have an average of $15,125 in debt and will receive an average savings of $4,830 over the over the life of the loan at 4-year school as a result of the interest rate cuts in the legislation.

The College Cost Reduction and Access Act also includes a number of other provisions that would ease the financial burden imposed on students and families by the cost of college, including:
  • Tuition assistance for excellent undergraduate students who agree to teach in the nation’s public schools;
  • Loan forgiveness after 10 years of public service and loan repayment for college graduates that go into vital public service jobs;
  • Landmark investments in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions and other minority serving institutions; and
  • Strategies to help colleges contain costs and make online information on college costs for students and parents more user friendly.
Earlier this year, Lee worked with her colleagues on the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee to craft an education spending bill that was passed by the House that included significant increases for both Pell Grants and No Child Left Behind as well as for after school centers, Safe and Drug Free School grants, drop out prevention programs, mentoring, as well as programs to help young people train for and find jobs.
