December 31, 2007

Barbara Lee's Darfur Divestment Bill is Now Law

Bush responds to pressure from Lee, advocates and signs bill

(Washington, DC) –Responding to news that the Darfur divestment bill she originally introduced in the House has been signed into law, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Oakland) issued the following statement

“After hearing the call of the American people and the cries of Darfurians, I am pleased that President Bush has finally signed the divestment bill despite opposition to the measure from his administration.

"We finally have a law that sends the message to the Khartoum government and the world that America is serious that genocide will not be tolerated - not on our watch and not on our dime.

“Just as divestment worked to help end apartheid in South Africa, this bill signals a major step to help end genocide in the Sudan. Americans no longer have to worry that they are supporting genocide through their tax dollars. With this step, we can begin to wash the blood off.

“The new law builds on our legislation in the House and the nationwide divestment movement to accomplish three very specific goals: Authorize states, local governments, and universities, to divest from companies doing business in the military, power production, oil-related, or mineral extraction industries in partnership with the Khartoum government of Sudan; Authorize these states, local government and universities to prohibit new contracts with such companies; Provide safe harbor to mutual funds and pension plans choosing to divest their assets in such companies, and; Prohibit the federal government from entering into new federal contracts with these offending companies.

"I applaud Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, Subcommittee Chair Luis Gutierrez, Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin and Senator Chris Dodd for their work to make this bill law. The Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, who were initial co-sponsors of my bill, were very critical to the enactment of this law. I want to especially recognize Congressman Donald Payne, the Chairman of the Africa Subcommittee, for his leadership on Sudan. On a bipartisan basis, the House and Senate overwhelming passed the Darfur divestment legislation in both chambers so this law could be possible.

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer should be commended for their leadership and commitment.

“I have to acknowledge my colleagues on the Republican side of the aisle, Congressmen Frank Wolf and Spencer Bachus and Senator Sam Brownback who testified in favor of my bill in March, for being real and consistent champions on behalf of the people of Darfur.

"This victory is the result of the tireless efforts of many organizations, including the Save Darfur Coalition, the NAACP, American Jewish World Service, the National Association of Evangelicals, Americans Against the Darfur Genocide and especially the Genocide Intervention Network and the Sudan Divestment Taskforce, who have been a voice for the voiceless and pushing for the enactment Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act.”

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Congresswoman Lee, who was arrested for protesting the genocide in front of the Sudanese embassy in Washington in June, 2006, has traveled three times to Darfur, first with Congressional colleagues and academy award nominated actor Don Cheadle in January, 2005; on a delegation led by then-Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi in February, 2006; and on a delegation led by Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer in April, 2007.