October 11, 2007

Barbara Lee’s Statement in Support of the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund

(Washington, DC) – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement in support of the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act, which was approved by the House by a vote of 264-148:

“As a former member of the Financial Services Committee, I helped author – along with our colleague Bernie Sanders and others – the first housing trust fund bill. I am so very pleased that our two great champions of housing, Chairwoman Waters and Chairman Frank have continued this legacy to bring this proposal before us today.

“Quite frankly it’s a real shame that in America we have so many people who have found the goal of simply finding shelter for themselves and their families so elusive.

“I know that in my district in Oakland, where more than half of all renters are unable to afford the cost of a 2 bedroom apartment, many low-income families often have to choose between food or medicine and housing.

“This doesn’t have to be the case. That’s why this legislation is crucial.

“By producing, rehabilitating, and preserving 1.5 million housing units over the next 10 years, this legislation will take steps to end the affordable housing crisis in our country.

“By allocating up to $1 billion annually this bill will address one of the most serious social and economic problems facing our nation.

“By passing this bill 75 percent of all funds will be used to benefit families at the poverty line or 30 percent of local area median income, bringing meaningful assistance to those most at need.

“I urge my colleagues to support this important bill that will move our nation forward in ensuring that all Americans have a decent place to live.”
