July 30, 2010

Barbara Lee's Statement on One Year Anniversary of the Detainment of U.S. Hikers in Iran

For Immediate Release
July 31, 2010

Contact: Ricci Graham
(510) 763-0370

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland) issued the following statement today in advance of the one year anniversary of the detainment of three U.S. hikers in Iran on July 31, 2009.

“One year ago today, Joshua Fattal, Shane Bauer, and Sarah Shourd were detained by the government of Iran while attempting to hike in the mountain region in Iraqi Kurdistan,” said Congresswoman Lee. “Today, people across this country and the world are speaking with one voice in calling for the swift release of Joshua, Shane, and Sarah.

“Reports of eyewitness accounts that these individuals were abducted outside of Iranian territory have further highlighted the tragic nature of their year-long imprisonment without trial.

“The fact is the release of these individuals is not a political, diplomatic, or strategic decision, but rather a long overdue resolution to this humanitarian case.
“On this unfortunate milestone of their detention, I renew my call for the Iranian government to immediately release Joshua, Shane, and Sarah so that they can finally be reunited with their friends, family, and loved ones.

“There are common values which bind all of us together as a global community of people and nations, including a basic respect for human rights and intolerance for injustice.

“I urge the government of Iran to live up to those ideals and for the United States government to play a constructive role in securing the release of these three young American citizens.”

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