December 01, 2022

Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus Co-Chairs Call for End to Health Disparities on 34th Annual World AIDS Day

Washington, DC – Representatives Barbara Lee (CA-13) and Jenniffer González-Colón (PR-AL), Co-Chairs of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus, recognized World AIDS Day by introducing a resolution supporting its goals on the 34th annual World AIDS Day.  

The theme of the 34th annual World AIDS Day is “Tackling Inequalities Which Perpetuate the AIDS Pandemic,” which recognizes the urgent need to address health inequities and the need to lift up experiences, solutions, and innovations from the HIV community. Globally, the United States’ efforts through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and PEPFAR are dramatically reducing the burden of HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Domestically, people with HIV are living longer and the rate of diagnoses have decreased because of programs like the Ryan White Minority AIDS Initiative.

“On the 34th annual World Aids Day, we remember those that we have lost in the struggle against this disease and the millions across the globe that continue to fight against it,” said Rep Lee. “Just as the COVID-19 pandemic exposed deep health disparities, we know the HIV and AIDS epidemic disproportionately affects communities of color and LGBTQ communities, here in the US and in developing nations. As Co-Chair of the Congressional HIV & AIDS Caucus, I’m dedicated to addressing these disparities in access to life-saving sexual and reproductive healthcare, services, and education so that we can achieve the first AIDS-free generation.”

“We’ve come a long way in understanding and countering HIV and AIDS around the world, thanks to the significant improvements that have been made in research, prevention, and treatment,” said Rep. González-Colón. “Now, while we reach our goal to free our communities from this epidemic, it is necessary to strengthen outreach and educational tools to fight the stigma that continues affecting HIV patients, as well as to ensure accessible healthcare. As Co-Chair of the Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus, on this 34th Annual World AIDS Day, I’m proud to support the common goal of tackling disparities in health services faced by disadvantaged HIV groups in our nation, including the over 15,848 people diagnosed in my district, Puerto Rico.”

The full text of the resolution is available here.